Thursday, November 20, 2008

Good Dog, Buddy

Anyone who talked to me this summer knows that our puppy, Buddy, was driving me CRAZY. I think I threatened every day to get rid of him. He is a very quick learner and knows lots of commands well, but gets into lots of trouble. Not only did he chew up stuff, rip a lot of our clothes, jump up on everyone, nip people, scratch up our floors, chew any toys of Hannah's that he could find, but he also did things like sit on the furniture when it was forbidden (at least he's looking a little guilty here).This was final straw that caused us to banish him to the backyard for the rest of the summer: eating anything he could find on our table and counters. Of course, he found lots of trouble to get into in our backyard, too. We had blocked off this area when he was smaller because it contained our small vegetable garden. Here he's sitting on the strawberries. He even found another table to climb up on outside.He also uprooted most of the new things we planted and tore out most of the irises put in by the previous owner. He dug out of our yard into the neighbors' backyard a couple of times, too. By this time, we were walking him at least 4 times a day, so he'd be too tired to get into TOO much trouble.

We finally started to really love Buddy once he had his surgery to be neutered. On his medication, he was so calm, sweet, and cuddly...we even let him on the furniture a little because we felt so sorry for him!
Now that he's feeling better, he has more energy again, but is still very sweet. He's turning out to be a good dog after all! He even helps around the house:

He helps clean dirty dishes...
and even helps Hannah clean the sliding glass door!


the doumas said...

Awww, I want to meet Buddy! Those last pics are all so cute! And you make Hannah wash your windows? ;) haha

WAKonings said...

What a dog! Gotta love 'em! If you haven't read Marley and Me, I totally reccommend it! Your stories could fit right in!